Friar Lawrence tries to console Romeo and find a solution for the terrible problems that have arisen. Juliet’s father makes plans for his daughter to marry Paris and she doesn’t like the fact that she has to marry someone she doesn’t love so she asks the nurse for help. Romeo goes to the nurse and speaks to her about Juliet and said ” speak though of Juliet? How is it with her? Doth not she think me an old murderer. Now I have stained the childhood of our joy with blood removed but little from her own? Where is she? And how doth she? And what says my concealed lady to our cancelled love?” As you can see Romeo asks the nurse a lot of questions about Juliet because he is worried about her he then offers to stab him self but the nurse snatches the dagger away. This scene has Romeo nurse and friar Lawrence in them and they are talking about some problems that have occurred and a lot about Juliet.





